Howard L. Greene

Director, Workforce Development and Student Success


Ph.D. Biomedical Engineering, The Ohio State University, 1993

M.S. Electrical Engineering, The Ohio State University, 1988

B.S. Electrical Engineering, University of Akron, 1986



Howard is the Director of Workforce Development and Student Success at the Starlab George Washington Carver Science Park. He is passionate about generating awareness of space careers in youth and contributing to the preparation of the next generation of space professionals. Howard brings together partners from academia, government, and industry to collaborate in unique ways while launching sustainable space-based STEM education programs. He draws upon over 15 years of STEM outreach work and consistently leverages the vast knowledge, expertise and facilities of the University, positively impacting student success across the K-Ph.D. continuum. Prior to Ohio State, Howard worked as a systems engineer and project manager in medical device development at Battelle.


Research Interests

  • STEM Education and Outreach
  • Design Thinking
  • Broadening Participation in STEM 
  • Humanitarian Engineering
  • Collaborative Online International Learning
Howard Greene smiling and wearing a suit